These 5 dice are unusual! They are constructed from polyhedra you don't normally see in the dice world. Take for example...
The d12. Normally constructed from a regular dodecahedron, but here for your mathematical pleasure we have the rhombic dodecahedron. Unlike the platonic dodecahedron, this one tessellates to fill space! It's also isohedral, meaning all the faces can be mapped onto all the other faces through a symmetry of the object. It's also the unit cell of diamond. Final fact, bees build their honeycombs back to back and where they meet, they form a grid of half rhombic dodecahedra.
The d8.. Constructed from a truncated octahedron. This rolls much better than a regular octahedron and also tessellates to fill space. Very occasionally, you end up with a blank face up. In which case you can just roll again. Or, even better, count it as a wild card.
The d4. A truncated tetrahedron. This has the advantage over regular tetrahedral dice that the numbers face up!
The d24. Each face of this icositetrahedron is a kite. A computer search was used to distribute the numbers as uniformly as possible. It's also isohedral.
The d60. The world's first mass-produced d60 - or hexecontahedron - dice. Each face in this beautiful polyhedron is kite shaped. A computer search was used to distribute the numbers as uniformly as possible. It's also isohedral.
Some bonus uses for the d60:
- Randomly pick a minute to do something.
- Pair up with the d24 to randomly pick a time of day to do something.
- Use it as a dN dice where N is any factor of 60. 60 has a lot of factors!
- A base-58 random number generator - great for creating bitcoin private keys!
One set of dice has one of each of the d4, d8, d12, d24 and d60. All the dice in a set are the same colour and you can choose from white, black, red, blue or green.
Price = p184 pence = £10.97